Systems Informatics

  • Human Machine Symbiosis
  • System Synthesis
  • Systems Informatics

Systems Informatics

The division performs the education and research from the standpoint of systems science and information science for solving a variety of problems in various kinds of practical systems. Current education and research program is concerned with information and communication systems, image processing systems, and systems in biomedical engineering. We have concerns about not only practical systems but also theoretical approaches.

Information Systems

Learning Machines image

We aim to develop life-long learning machines that can adaptively acquire a wide variety of novel policies through interacting with the real world.

Learning Machines

Integrated Systems Biology

Study model of autonomous action selection rule based on trial and error

Intelligence and life are complex systems that adapt to uncertain and even temporally varying environments. Aiming at elucidating the principles of information processing in those complicated systems, the current research topics of this group are modeling of the brain and cells, termed as computational neuroscience, systems biology and bioInformatics, and application studies of the flexible information processing to artificial systems such as robots. This group performs the education and research in an interdisciplinary manner.

Integrated Systems Biology

Biocybernetics (former Biomedical Engineering)

Biocybernetics image

We conduct education and research in the field of biocybernetics to deepen our understanding of the homeodynamic and allostatic mechanisms of physiological functions, including brain function, and pathophysiology of dynamical diseases.

Biocybernetics (former Biomedical Engineering)
