
  • Human Machine Symbiosis
  • System Synthesis
  • Systems Informatics

Human Machine Symbiosis

Group Research field Laboratory code Professor E-mail
Mechanical Systems Control Control Theory and Applications SS - 1 AZUMA Shun-ichi sazuma
Human Systems Human-Centered System Design, Modeling, Virtual Sensing, and Control SS - 2 KANO Manabu
Integrated Dynamical Systems Methodologies to Achieve Flexible Symbiosis among Humans, Systems, and Environments SS - 3



Mobility Research Advanced Safety Vehicle, Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Control,

(assoc. prof.)




System Synthesis

Group Research field Laboratory code Professor E-mail
Mathematical Information Systems Adaptive, Learning, and Inference Theories and Their Application SS - 4 TANAKA Toshiyuki tt
Statistical Intelligence Mathematical Systems, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Data Science SS - 5 SHIMODAIRA Hidetoshi shimo

Systems Informatics

Group Research field Laboratory code Professor E-mail
Learning Machines Reinforcement Learning and Robotics SS - 6



Integrated Systems Biology Modeling of Intelligent Systems, Brain and Life, and Its Application SS - 7 ISHII Shin ishii
Biocybernetics (former Biomedical Engineering) Biocybernetics and Information Systems for the Medical Field SS - 8 NOMURA Taishin taishin
Computational Neuroscience Adjunct Unit
Group Research field Laboratory code Professor E-mail
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International Computational Neuroscience, Brain Network Interface SS - 9(a) KAWATO Mitsuo renkei
RIKEN Neural Circuit Information Processing, Neural Information Code SS - 9(b) renkei
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Basal Ganglia, Neuromodulators, Evolutionary Robotics SS - 9(c) DOYA Kenji renkei
Computational Intelligence Systems Adjunct Unit

Moved to Data Science Course

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